Clock Domain Crossing Working Group


The charter of the Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Working Group is to define a standard CDC collateral specification to ease SOC integration. The CDC Working Group will address the current incompatibility of collateral generated by different CDC verification tools, which will help to greatly improve productivity. 

Chair: Lee Fueng Yap, Intel
Vice Chair: Sean ODonohue, Synopsys


The objective is to develop a standard format to capture CDC/RDC/Glitch intent. This will enable interoperability of CDC collateral generated by different CDC verification tools. The working group will focus on the effort to produce a formal Language Reference Manual (LRM).


SoC teams cannot reuse IP-level CDC collateral in the SoC environment if both teams use different CDC verification tools. This scenario is causing a CDC verification problem when the SoC teams source IP from IP providers that use a different tool for their own CDC verification. To perform holistic SoC-level verification, additional resources are needed to reconverge the IP with the verification tool used by the SoC team. Redoing IP-level CDC verification is time consuming and labor intensive. Standardization on CDC collateral will bring significant benefits to not only product companies, but also IP design houses, EDA tool companies, and the entire ecosystem.

The CDC WG was started as a Proposed Working Group in September 2022. The Accellera Board of Directors approved it as an official Working Group in December 2022.

Join this Working Group

If you are an employee of an Accellera member company and wish to participate in the Clock Domain Crossing WG, please log in or create an account in the Accellera Workspace. Once you are logged in to the Workspace, select "View Workgroups", select Clock Domain Crossing Working Group, and click the Join button.


Workshop: Hierarchical CDC and RDC Closure with Standard Abstract Models presented at DVCon U.S. 2024